We're trying Galloping the Globe. So far, everyone seems to like it.
For LA right now I'm having Sweet Pea write little reports on the books we're reading.
For example, we read this today:

And then Sweet Pea summarized it well, "Katy was a beautiful tractor. Katy plowed the snow. She plowed the snow because people needed to get out."

And then we worked together to map our house:

And then we talked about various terms that were unfamiliar from this really neat book:

See the illustrations? They are really great and about the perfect length. I really recommend it to go along with any history and geography program.

We did math and phonics as usual, but this was a big change for the rest of the day. I think it'll carry us through summer as something different enough to feel like a break without it actually being a total break.
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