This is the worksheet that I used to slot things by day and then time of day. I also put time estimates down for everything so that I could tally the total estimated time spent per day to make it even and not too long.

The cleaned up daily schedule. This is the first item in my planner binder.

A blank school calendar. I plan to circle the days that we school.
Next is an attendance form. I won't need to file this with the state until Sweet Pea turns 7 but I like to practice skills before we need them. And try out different forms.
Next I include a course of study- which is a fancy way of saying I write down all the books I plan to use and what subjects we'll use them for.
Then I have a sheet to keep track of the abbreviations used for each subject. This way when I record keep I don't have to write the full titles everyday- and so when I look back in time I remember what the acronyms mean.
I plan by semester each subject on it's own worksheet. It's broken down into specific days for each week. I do one semester at a time so that if we're ahead or behind I can reevaluate at the semester's end.
The forms I use for much of this I've found at
Also in the binder are reading logs, library books lists- including when to request books needed for Story of the World, and daily schedules.
I also have the binders suggested by the Well Trained Mind ready for language arts, history and science. They're pretty blank right now, though, since we aren't starting until this fall.
I'd also like to make a household management binder at some point, but that's a ways off.
Thanks for sharing! Fortunately, our school year runs from Jan- Dec, so I have a little time up my sleeve to get organised!
ReplyDeleteI hope it helps!