And when to expect certain rotating subjects. I have a much more detailed on in my master binder, but this should be good for Sweet Pea.

Latin- Prima Latina.

Language Arts- at the top is the always present binder. Underneath is Writing with Ease 1 with the workbook, First Language Lessons (or the butterfly book as Sweet Pea calls it), Spelling Workout, Mad Libs Jr., and a cursive copybook.

Math- on the left is the Singapore stuff- challenging word problems 1 (I don't know if we're starting this quite yet!), and 2A and 2B. Then the Miquon for the year- the Orange book we've already begun, and the red book. All the assorted mama helps, too. And our beloved Patternables book.

History! We are doing Story of the World, Vol. 1. We have some of the suggested coloring books, the Activity Guide, the test booklet, the book itself, and in the binder I have schedules and places to put the completed work. We'll flesh this out with a lot of material from the library.

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