Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fourth grade plans

Wildly, wildly open to change at current date!

Math: Saxon 7/6
Life of Fred
Time estimate: hour daily

Reading: book list to be separate post
Time estimate: hour to two hours daily

Writing: Writing Tales 2
Classical Writing
Time estimate: hour daily

Science: Chemistry. I think.
Time estimate: an hour twice a week

History: Roughly thinking 1900- present. Focus on or tie in C.S. Lewis and Tolkien.
Time estimate: an hour three times a week

Foreign language: Latin and Spanish. Latina Christiana?
Time estimate: half hour daily

Art: art work of time period for history?
Time estimate: half hour once a week

Music: piano.  Composer studies.
Time estimate: half hour daily

PE: daily workout with mom.
Time estimate: half hour daily

Religion: Bible, catechism, Lutheranism 101 for kids.
Time estimate: half hour daily

The "Gravy": mythology - Norse and Greek. Poetry. Shakespeare.
Time estimate: an hour a week

Weekly time total: 23 hours for the week or 5.3 hours a day. Yikes!

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