Friday, August 6, 2010

Weekly Report, Week 1

I can't believe week one is already finished! It went really well, and really quickly. There were some minor speed bumps, but it was a great opening to our year.We did not do all of the subjects that I plan for the year- I wanted to go into this week with an easier schedule to let every one adjust. We did Bible, Catechism, French, History, Science and Math. Next week we are adding in Writing, Spelling, and Art. (OK, I know that I do not need to capitalize the subjects- it makes me feel special, OK? OK?)

Language Arts
Sweet Pea

We didn't do any official language arts. Sweet Pea just recently finished the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading (OPG), so we reviewed a few of those lessons and read out loud. We went to the library and Sweet Pea picked out some books for afternoon reading time. Sweet Pea's reading stamina and comprehension have really made some incredible leaps in the last few months.
Little Bird

Little Bird is doing really well learning her ABCs. We are doing them on a dry erase board still. She knows a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,m,o,p,q,s,u,w, and z. We're almost there! Next we'll work on sounds, then we'll start OPG with her.
Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea is my only one studying math right now. We restarted Math Mammoth Addition 1. Next week we'll jump into Singapore again, but this was a great refresher.


Sweet Pea and Little Bird

History is a combo subject. I don't expect any output from Little Bird, but she listens right along with us. We did Ch. 6 of Story of the World 1: The Ancients (SOTW). Sweet Pea was really impressed with the opportunity to make a comic book (graphic novel?) of Joseph. This is going much better then last year- it seemed to be a little much last fall but is perfect now.


Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea is my only current science student, as well. We worked on a Rod and Staff science lesson about farm animals. It makes me laugh a little- we are pretty rural, but we are definitely not on a farm here, so the emphasis on farm life isn't a perfect fit for us. I think beginning next week we're going to change to a study of the animal world.


Sweet Pea and Little Bird

This is another group subject around these parts. We started Le Francais Facile. I like it. Her accent is French Canadian, and I'm pretty sure it's also a Quebecois accent, at that. Doesn't really bother me. There isn't ONE proper French accent, and if we ever plan a trip to a French speaking area we'll worry about accent then.
Initial reaction is that I'm pleased with it. I think it introduces a good amount of vocabulary, it's quick to do, and it appeals equally well to my 6 year old as it does my 3 year old. That's a winner for us right now!

Sweet Pea and Little Bird

Another group activity 'round these parts! Seeing a common theme? This went really well. We did creation (Genesis 1) all week. The girls enjoyed reading the many and varied accounts we read and they liked filling out their workbooks.

Yesterday they both summarized the week for a book I'll make for each of them. I'm including Sweet Pea's and I'll just tell you Little Bird's since I wrote it for her. :) Little Bird said, "When God made the world He made animals." They both drew pictures to go with it today.


Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea worked through the Intro to the 10 Commandments, the 1st Commandment, and 1/2 the 2nd Commandment.
Family Fun/ Field Trip

Tonight we went as a family to the county fair. The kids had a really great time on the rides and we ate a bunch of fair food. It was a great close to the week. Sweet Pea made a picture of a roller coaster to commemorate the fair.

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