Saturday, March 6, 2010


No, this blog isn't defunct, despite that appearance. I just had a baby! Baby Moose (not his real name) was born Monday at home, weighing in at nine pounds, even. We're both doing well.

In the meantime my mother is here to help- and a huge help she's been! We've been doing what I'll call Grammy-school.

Sweet Pea has learned: how to wash dishes in the sink, how to load and unload a dishwasher, how to make coffee, how to make sandwiches, as well as doing some phonics.

Little Bird has learned: how to fold towels and wash clothes, put away cloth diapers, and had lots and lots of snuggle time with Grammy reading to her.

This upcoming week we'll reintroduce math- Sweet Pea has been asking for it. I think we'll also add some copywork because I don't want to let handwriting go too long. Sweet Pea has been keeping up on her reading, and is coming along really well with her stamina and is really starting to love curling up with a book.

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