Thursday, January 7, 2010

Your questions, answered!

In no super particular order.

Laura asked if the lexile site helped- yes, it did, thanks!

Jana mentioned the reading suggestions on the Sonlight site- I've seen those and we're getting them in order from the library. They've been great, I was just looking for some other books, and less at individual books then series type things.

Kash mentioned Cam Jenson- I've seen this around a few times, but I have no knowledge of them- we'll request from the library. Thanks! And Boxcar children- that's a great idea but I think a smidge too hard. I think we'll be there soon, though.

Ewe asked what we use for science. We've just started a new program- the Rod and Staff science, grade 2. This is a summary of general nature topics- how seeds grow, how the seasons change as the Earth moves, constellations. It's workbook based and also has an optional teacher's manual. Each lesson has a page to color, a section for the parent to read, and then comprehension activites like fill in the blank, crosswords, ect. It's not super in depth, but it's open and go, cheap, and about nature, so it fits our needs pretty well right now. Sweet Pea also enjoys the sweet illustrations of Mennonite children and families featured in the book.

That's all for now- feel free to keep asking! It helps jostle thoughts out.

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