Saturday, May 30, 2009


We had to come home quicker then we expected, but we were rewarded by having packages waiting for us.
What I now have for fall:
First Language Lessons for the Well Trained Mind, Vol. 1
Spelling Workout A
The Complete Writer Level 1
Memoria Press Cursive Copybook
Hooked on Phonics 1st grade
Miquon orange book
Singapore Earlybird 2A and 2B
Story of the World Volume 1 (and the Activity guide)
Prima Latina
and Catechism stuff from CPH.
I'm really excited. I think I've mapped it out in a feasible order from fall, and I know that we'll tweak it once we begin.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
First Spelling First Spelling First
Language Language Language
Lessons Lessons Lessons

Miquon Singapore Miquon Singapore Spelling

Complete Complete Complete Complete
Writer Writer Writer Writer

History History Science

Latin Latin Latin Latin Latin

Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics

I don't have any times written in because I'd like to do each lesson until it's finished, not until the timer beeps. Most of the lessons are short and I've tried to alternate writing and oral exercises.

1 comment:

  1. I only hope I can be where you are a year from this fall. We're just going to try the About Three books and I reeaaalllyy need a good phonics program. I. has begun sounding out words of his choosing out loud to figure out all the letters it contains! I'm also looking at Veritas Press' math songs cd for kindergarden as a fun way to introduce math without him realizing we're doing school work. And I think those three things will be plenty for a 3 yr old. What do you think?
